7 You see before you a venerable black dragon approximately thirty feet in length. His evil eyes glitter as he stares at you. Emitting a deafening screech, he pounces. A venerable blue dragon of approximately forty-two feet in length charges in your direction. It's ice blue eyes seem to emanate the evil of it's soul. Giving forth a roar like a thunderclap, it attacks. You are confronted by a fifteen foot tall, fat, gray, bi-pedal creature with huge bat-like wings, a long snaky tail, and a large goat- like head. The beast's hide is covered in goatish hair. You are confronted by a huge five headed dragon. The heads are each a different color (white, black, green, red, and blue). The colors of each head flows through each neck and into the creatures back where they gradually blend with the brown hide of the beast. You encounter a very handsome, muscular, eighteen foot tall human looking creature. The creature is wielding a huge short sword and is wearing thick leather armor. You are confronted by a very handsome, seven foot human-like creature with two short horns, a long pointed tail, and the left hoof of a goat. He is dressed in fine clothes and is wielding an ornate staff. You encounter a twelve foot tall bi-pedal creature with the body of a giant human, a strange bull-like head and huge insectile eyes. From each side of his head there protrudes a large bull-like horn.